Vol. VI, No. 1 January 2000

Globalism and Tear Gas

What Really Happened in Seattle, compilation of eyewitness reports and commentary by Phil Agre

How We Really Shut Down the WTO, by Starhawk

How the WTO Threatens Democracy, by Chris McGinn

Amnesty International Calls for Inquiry

Night Thoughts About Seattle, by Jonathan Wallace

The First Amendment in Seattle, by Paul McMasters

What If They Threw a WTO Party and Everybody Came? by Ben G. Price

Why Liberals Don't Like the WTO, by Bob Wilson

Living Together: Our Future and the WTO, by John Spragge

Letters to The Ethical Spectacle

Jonathan Wallace's Hyperfiction

Censor in a box

Why Libraries Shouldn't Buy Censorware

The Censorware Page

Please also check out the website of The Censorware Project

Mumia Abu-Jamal, On Death Row After an Unfair Trial

Permanent Exhibits:

An Auschwitz Alphabet; A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King; The Free Speech Museum; Snipe's Portfolio

Write for the Spectacle! Articles on any ethical, political or legal topic will be considered, whether or not I agree with the opinions expressed.

"Noticing that no-one held the values I defended, I decided to make a spectacle of myself."--Richard Foreman

Copyright Jonathan Wallace 2000 except as otherwise indicated

Artist: Laurie Caro; all art copyright Laurie Caro 2000 except as otherwise indicated

Email: jw@bway.net