Vol. XI, No. 2, February 2005

Choosing to Vote in Iraq

by Jonathan Wallace

No citizen should be expected to enter a polling place which cannot be made safe.

Divided We Fall
by Dom Stasi

The $40 million inauguration extravaganza symbolically urinates upon the graves of the over 1300 young Americans who’ve died for Bush’s lies, mistakes, and corporate greed.

Needless Tsunami Deaths
by Christine Smith

What happened in the Indian Ocean was totally preventable.

New Year's Eve With the Disciples
by George Thomas Clark

"I don’t know what it’s like to party sober," Alice said. "I’m going to find out tonight."

Mark Anthony Rossi's Machine Therapy:
Dream Murder: The Performance Enhancement Nightmare

It’s only a matter of time before a steroid-addicted baseball entertainer slips into a “roid-rage” and bashes the head of a heckling fan on national television.

President Newt
by H. Scott Prosterman

The primary theme of the "Contract with America" was punishment.

Letters To The Ethical Spectacle

You have proved yourself a stereo-typical Jew.


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"Noticing that no-one held the values I defended, I decided to make a spectacle of myself."
--Richard Foreman

Past Issues

Text with Jonathan Wallace byline is copyright Jonathan Wallace 2004. All other text should be assumed to be the copyright of the bylined author.
All art copyright Laurie Caro 2004 except as otherwise indicated
Email: jw@bway.net
Flames will be published with attribution.
All other correspondence may be published unless specifically otherwise requested

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