February 2010

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                BySy Schechtman subtlesy@comcast.net


       We left young Jacob somewhat in fear and trembling at a visionof God and angels andhis tentativepromise to obey God’s path if only he is successful.  Jacob is about 17 and is on his way to Haran, an adolescent fleeing his brother Esau’s        rightful wrath.  Once Jacob reaches distant Haran, where his mother”s kinsman, Laban, liveswith his family, events seem to unfold successfully.  He immediately comes upon Rachel, Laban’s very attractive daughter,at the town water well,     and helps her roll back the very heavy stone over the well so that she can water Laban’s many sheep.  Most providentially Jacob has just learned from a bystander thatRachel is Laban’s daughter, and he kisses her and breaks into tears.  “Jacob told Rachel that he was her father’s kinsman, that he was Rebekah’s son, Jacob.Laban ran to greet him; he embraced him and kissed him and took him into his house.  He told Laban all that had happened, and Laban said to him, “You are truly of my bone and flesh.”  However it was twenty years beforeJacob was able to return home,although a wealthy herdsman and head of a householdof two wives, Rachel and Leah, two concubines,twelve sons and one daughter (Dinah) and other dependants comprising a retinueof about 60 people,and several noteworthynegative events along the way.

        There was almost epic duplicity alongthe way, however,and frustrating fertility problems,as   with Sarah, Abraham’s wife, before the ultimate birth of Isaac.In one instance biblicallyquoted,Rachel, beautiful but barren, bargains awayher connubial rights for sleeping privileges with shared husband Jacob for a time, in exchange for much heralded mandrake roots, which one of rival Leah’s sons had acquired.These roots were thought to be a a prime fertility enhancer at that time.But the prime duplicity was that of the  fraudulent bride!Instead of Rachel,Jacob under false pretenses,is married to older sister Leah instead.  “When morning came there  was Leah!So he said to Laban, “What is this you have doneto me?I was in your service fof Rachel!Why did you deceive me?”. Laban said, “It is not the practicein   our  place to marry off the younger before the older.  Wait until the bridalweek of this one on is over andwe will give you that one too,provided     you serve me another seven years…….And Jacob cohabited with Rachel also; indeed he loved Rachel more than Leah. … And he served him another seven years.”

       That explains why even in orthodox weddings now a joyous butstill ceremoniallyinvolved group of young male friends of the groom dance playfully up to the seatedand veiled bride  and gently remove her facecoveringto make sure that the true beloved is the one to be wed and bedded that most eventful first marital night!!

          There was active distrust,it not fraud, between Jacob and Laban in the matter of wages to be paid Jacob for his strenuous work as chief shepherd of Laban’s flock. Jacob did not want pecuniary reward;merelythe right to the dark off color sheep and goats.  Jacob had devised a sort of visual stimulation influence with wooden darkened color saplingsand stickswhile the sheep and goats were mating.  These fleckedand darkenened sticks was an evidently successful photo synthesis method Jacob used successfully;  Laban used a time tested method not quite as subtle ornature oriented.   From time to time he and his help sneaked through Jacob’sthriving flocksto steal some of the thriving mixed color flock Jacob had.

       Also there was domestic discord.We learn that on Jacob’s death bednotall the children received equal amounts of tender reflection or approbation.Most receive favorable attention from languishing Jacob,but some are roundly condemned.   Reuben, his first born,had “mounted your father’s bed, you brought disgrace—my couch he mounted!..”(Reuben had sex with Jacob’s concubine). Simeon and Levi are essentially outlawed for the atrocities we shall discuss below, but Judah is praisedand the rest of the twelve brothers are confidentlyforetold strong futures.The climax of Jacob’s career is the successfully organized flight from the Laban householdwith his entire retinue intact,under the implicit order of the Lord---“Return to the land of your fathers where you were born, and   I will be withyou”.    With great hasteJacobgathers up his family and possessions and flees but Laban and his group pursue and the climax is the scene after a seven days catch up.   After much heated discussion peace is restored.Laban finally calmshimself.   “I have it in my power to do youharm; but the god of your                                                                                                 father said to me last night ‘Beware of attempting anything with Jacob, good or bad’.Very well you had to

leave because you were longing for your father’s house but why did you steal my gods?”   
And Jacob fatefully vows that“I was afraid that you would take your daughters from meby force.   But anyone withwhom you find your gods shall not remain alive…….Jacob, of course, did not know that Rachel had stolen them.”   Laban searches diligently all Jacob’s tents, finally Jacob’s own personal tent, where Rachel was sitting on the object of the frantic search.“Let not my Lord take it amiss that I can not rise before you, for the period of women is upon me.”Rachel’s deception worked splendidly at the time, allowing Jacob to forthrightly stand his ground and inadvertantly spare his guilty wife.  Very soon after that Rachel is in great difficultywiththe birth of   her second child, Benjamin,Joseph’s brother, Jacob’s favorite child.  Rachel does not survive,and a deeply mourning Jacob buries her on the roadside nearby.    Some later sages wondered if her death at this time was divine punishment for her duplicity with the alien gods and her father’s fruitless fervent search. Certainly she was still a very nubile woman and seemingly eager to compete with alternate wife Leah for Jacob’s affections and attention.    

       Besides these dramatic domestic events two overwhelming eventshappen during Jacob’s family flight from Haran back to Canaan.  Jacob has a peaceful  reunion with his bother Esau after he crosses the Jabbok river after much fearful trepidation; dividing up his ranks so that if Esau attacks one side many will still survive.  Jacob knows that Esau has over four hundred men with him,while he, Jacob, is defenseless.  During that most eventful pre crossing night Jacob is alone,having sent his whole retinue across the Jabbok river,… “Jacob was left alone.  And a man wrestled with him until the beak of dawn.  When he saw that  he had not prevailedagainst him,he wrenched Jacob’ship at its socket, so that the socket at his hipwassrained as he wrestled with him.Then he said “let me go, for the dawn is breaking.” But he answered, “Iwill not let you go unless you bless me.” Said the other, “What is your name?”He replied “Jacob”. Said he,”Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with beings divine and human, and have prevailed......So Jacob named the place Peniel, meaning, “I have seen a divine being face to face, and yet my life has been preserved”.

Almost on the heels of this overwhelming event comes Esau and his 400 cohort who Jacob had grave doubts about.But it is a smiling, happy brother Esau who was embracing him, lo these 20 years later!  Meanwhile Jacob was presenting the considerableentirety of his family,all bowing low before Esau.Israel (Jacob) is urging Esau  to accept the gift prepared for him.“What doyou mean by all this company that I have met?”He answered, “To gain my lord’s favor.”   Esau said,I have enough, my brother,; let what you have remain yours.”But Jacob said, “I pray youwould do me this favor;if you would do me this favor, accept fromme thisgift; for to see your face is like seeing the face of God,and youhave received me favorably…..”  Esau does accept his brother’s gift, out of common courtesy, and they walk on together.   Esau also urges Jacob to join him and his household on Mt. Seir, his regionalabode,but Jacob makes up polite, plausibleregrets and they part amicably.   They are last mentioned years later together burying their father Isaac in the ancestral cave atMachpelah.Only Rachel of the venerable other matriarchs, Sarah, Rebekah, and Leah is not there.  Jacob,most tearfully, buried her hastily while fleeing from her father Laban.

       But our story does not continue cordially in this arm and arm fashion. No “living together happily ever after” scenario.   Jacob has little chance to show the magnanimity manifest in isnew name Israel.For the Torah immediately interposes the story of the rape of Dinah,  when almost all aspects of bestialhumanity is displayed. Sheer chronologic exactitude can not be theanswer,    as we aretotally unsure oftime frames here. We do know for certain,however, that much time   has elapsed for the Israelites since the Esau, Jacob/Israel meeting at the Jabbok stream.  Jacob’s children are all adults and capable of many problematic adult events! Of which the Rape of Dinah is certainly the most unsettling.Dinah is “the daughter whom Leah had borne to Jacob,.. wentout to visit the daughters of the land. “ Shechem. son of Hamor the Hivite, chief of the country, saw her, and took her and lay with her by force.Being strongly drawn to Dinah daughter of Jacob, and in love with the maiden,  he spoke to the maiden tenderly.  So Shechem said to his father Hamor, “get me this girl as a wife.”

    As this story progresses it is evident that Jacob’s parental status is not unlimited.  His sons are very angry and use “guile” the Torah says to negotiate this sexual outrage.  The sons insist the union can take place “only if all the Hivite men are circumcisedand become like us,then we will give our daughters to you and take your daughters to ourselves and we will dwell among you and become as one kindred,but if you will not listen to us and become circumcised,we will take our daughter and go.”And all the men of Shechem agreed after being exhorted by both Shechem and his father Hamor, chief of the country,who stressed the economic advantages of the affluent Hebrew tribe in their midst. “And all the males of the town agreed and were circumcised.”

      “…On the third day ,when they were in pain,Simeon and Levi, two of Jacob’s sons, brothers of Dinah, took eachhis sword, came upon the city unmolested, and slew all the males.They putHamorand his son Shechem to the sword, took Dinah out of Shechem’s house, and went away.  The others sons of Jacob came upon the slain and plundered the town bacause their sister had been defiled.They seized their flocks and herds and asses. all that was in the houses, all their wealth and all their children and wives they tookas captives and booty.

       Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, “You have brought troubleon me, , making me odious among the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites and Perizzites;’ my men are few in number, so if they unite against me, I and my housewill be destroyed.”  But they answered, “Should our sister be treated as a whore?”

       From here until the end of Genesis “Jacob” and “Israel” are used at different times, most probably to comment on the different morallevels of the story.  Here the thrust is on the utter immorality involved,a resounding negative to the searching biblical question of “Am I my brother’s keeper?”And Jacob’s answer isprudentflight as he leads his flock to more secure territory.Jacob, who in his more mature years has tragedy as well as triumphunderstands the guileful duplicity that his children evidentlyinherited from somehis own prior actions--- such as stealing the birthright.But he toohas “seen the face of God”in his brother Esau’s radiant smile of love and forgiveness.And he is greatly comforted, later on, by some of his other children, one of whom does indeed pass the supreme moralitytest---a young fellow named Joseph who does splendid things in Egypt for his father, Jacob,and his family and, indeed, most of the rest of the world at that time.

         As we shall see in our final installment of Genesis.