Sy Schechtman subtlesy@comcast.net
The Jewishentity or nation or mystiquehas been aroundfor well over 2500 years in various
forms. Ithas flowered, withered, reappeared,and reformed in various guises, to the despair
or delightof its supporters or
detractors. One of its apparent
detractors is Arnold Toynbee,and
eminent British historian of the first
part ofthe last century,whose twelve volume Study of History created
much excitement and conjecture. One of
its rather minimumassertions was that
Judaism was a fossil religion.By
which he apparently meantthat it had
been superceded morally,as well as in
physical size by the other modern religions now literally flourishing round
about----Christianity,Islam,Buddhism and Hinduism, to mention the most prominent. And this assertion, in the early l960swhen Judaismwas enjoyinga dramatic
resurgence after the holocaust in Europe and the thwarted Arab attacks in Palestine,seemed an almost laughable misjudgement. Little Israel,postage size David against the enormous
Goliath of hundreds of millions of hostile Moslems, seemed far from inert, inept or impotent. Not a fossil but template for powerful
action. And the world admired and extolled
this renaissance.
But that was onlyfifty short years ago!Now world sympathy has shifted mightily from poor,
weak underdog Israel
to oppressed Palestinian Arab fleeing
helplessly from their homes before mighty
Jewish forces. Both images, of course,
are quite out of focus with the reality of actual history,but they helped nurture the unfortunate return
of the deadly virus of anti Semitism,of
theevil Jew, plotting and subverting
the innocent rightful denizen ofthe place.
Now, however, especially in America, the Jew has taken on more than a semblance of
the inert, indifferent or impotent aspectsof whatToynbee rather
contemptibly dismissed as a fossil civilization. And paradoxically,it is not anti-Semitism that has any
part of this toxic influence,but the
overwhelming success and acceptance of the Jew in this countrythat is probably the lethal threat to Jewish existence. Assimilationand acculturation aredoing what Hitler and the Nazi extermination
camps could not accomplish. This countryis slowly becoming--Judenrein! (free of Jews)-the
exultant Nazi endeavorthrough the secular sacramentof intermarriage and general acceptance or
indifference to the Jewish presence.
And indeed a little anti Semitismmight not be unwelcometo stir
some latent ethnic anger amongst the languid inthe Jewish American body politic.Not like the rabid anti Semitism before of the signs in many southern
hotels saying No Jews, dogs, or niggers allowed,but just enough to confront and confoundthose blissfully ignorant of the dangers
inherentin too much acceptance.
Indeed,at no time in the twenty five hundred year disaporaperiodof Jewish existence has Jewishlife been so successful and fruitfulas in this period. And so positive for general Amercan
life. However, blending the essentials
of both Jewish religious life and devoted citizenship to the secular demands of
our great country have evidently forced many down the path of too much
secularism.And away from the Jewishness
they inherited.The National Jewish
PopulationStudy, the most comprehensive
surveyof Jewish presencein the United States is a decennial (ten
year) survey, the latest of which now being undertaken. Ten years ago the study revealed the rather
distressing facts that about 50 percentof Jews were marrying non Jewish partners,and only about 25 to 30 percentof the intermarried couples were raising
their children in the Jewish faith.
While it is also true that the last decadedid not see spectacular growth in several
other small scale religious entities,
the fact that Judaism remainedonly stable and static as one cheerfully optimistic euphemism would
have it, the drearyreality was that the Jews in this country now
represent less than 2% ofUS population,which has grown to over three hundred million
in the last then last ten years.If this
is a Judaeo-Christian countrythen only
a very small part of a friendly wagging tail can be still considered be the
totalJewish mass,but certainly not near thebutt end, where the tail is! Every
one certainly recognizes and respectsthe Yiddisher Kopf,(Head), the superior intellect of the
Jews,as opposed to the Goyisher Kopf,
the Gentile who only buys retail!
But of course there are
many others of different lineage and religion not too dissimilar,but stillnot crucially Jewish,who may not
have the same fervorto preservewhat is still innately theMosaic and prophetic creed that is stillthe unique
and perpetual Jewish call. People who easily
intermarry with Jews but are not necessarily role models in this pivotal
struggle for religious or ethnic survival. Indeed,there was a New York City
of the ancient world , then called Alexandria,
in Egypt. It was very large and sophisticatedand the the largest city inhabited by Jews in
the diaspora of ancient Jewry,which
started for the Jews in about 587 BCE,about the beginning of the Babylonian dispersion of the remnantsmall Jewish kingdom of Judah,which still contained the holy temple built
by Solomon centuries before. Alexandria was founded in
331 BCEby Alexander the Greatand soon became one of the most important
places in the ancient world for culture and pleasure. It had a world renowned
library and a large Jewish diasporapopulation estimated at a quarter of a millionpeople.
Indeed, the firsttranslation of
the Hebrew Torah,The Septuagint, was
into a Greek dialect called theKoine, was most probably made
primarily for these Alexandrian Jews,not
the original Hebrew or Aramaic.And there
was, too, very energetic Jewish philosopher, Philo, in thefirst century BCE,who tried to make the Jewish Torah teachings
consonant, allegorically,with Plato and
Aristotle. A little over a thousand
years later the great Jewish teacher, philosopher, and physician,
Maimonides,in his Guide to the
Perplexed,attemptedthe same route intellectually. But in neither age, ancient or medieval, did
the synthesis succeed.The Jewishpath skirted round Hellenistic culture,
adopting some minimal aspects but still remained Torah Trueone living God
with heavenly ordained negative and positive commandments613!for the
prescribed holy life. However, no matter
how the crosscurrent of events is interpreted,flourishing Alexandrian Jewry of the first century before Christ disappeared
a few centuries later.Was it intermarriage and indifference to
ritual and tradition and too much modernism, and/or religious persecution by
Christian rulers?Despite its
intellectual vitality, its cosmopolitanbreadth, and its cultural tolerance, Hellenistic Judaism is but a bypath
in this history. The main road of
Judaism tookvery different direction.
The different path
referred to into modernity however, was
still reminiscent ofthe struggles of the past--- between
tradition and the instability that present challenges threaten. But, of course,that does not haveto be theindifference of a fossilized
people,of a Toynbee typeimpotence.
Certainly the great struggles of the Jewish people in this last century
to establish the state of Israel
prove this. Even though their future
now seems threatened again by Arab and much other worldly antipathyit is still a manageable ordeal,far less than the almost utter destruction of
the Roman routover two thousand years ago. Then the Romansdestroyed the the legendary central Jerusalem temple and
dispersed the people worldwide, but
still leaving saving remnantsin the
land to carry on.Now, of course,we have aviable state once again in Israel and a relatively thriving economy. Tiny Israel and its 7 million (including
about a million Israeli Arabs) has the 42nd largest Growth Domestic
productin the world,a functioning democratic free society, both
in Israel and the United States,which
is still,---- malaise or what at the moment!---the most powerfulnation inthe history of the world. No doubt we are just in the pause that
refreshes vacuum. The very
faithfuland I have quite a few in my family!---well aware of the modern
dilemmaof surroundinghostile nations, echo the classic biblical
psalm thou I walk through the shadow of death
.Thy rod and staff shall
comfort me!,still lean on a providential
possibility. I personally would be more
urbanely sophisticated. History is much more convoluted and complex and only
wellafter the dust settlesyears later can we discern and dissembleultimate cause and effect---and/or the true
destiny that a providential Deity had effected.
Hopefully this retrospection
will not have to contend much with the facts that the Jews were instrumental in
the developmentof the atom
bomb---Einstein, Teller, Oppenheimer, Fermi, Bohr, Szilard, and on
the Nazi side, Werner Heisinger!And
today thatthe Israelis are the sole
possessors of the atom bomb in the middle east at this moment.And the Iranians will be accommodatedsomehow not in MADmutually armed destruction---but
in MaTmutally armed trust,with much
less emphasis on the armed.