Vol. XI, No. 6, June 2005

The Filibuster

by Jonathan Wallace

The Republicans would do well to remember that, if they end the filibuster, it will not be available when they need it one day.

The Litigation Instinct
by Sean Carter

It’s sad that Fizer had to lose part of his index finger because of Stower’s greed.

One Reason Why There Are Undocumented Workers
by George Thomas Clark

Do you know anyone who'd want this job?

John Spragge's Crossing the Medicine Line: Static in Politics, Lightning at the Border

Conservative parties around the world drag George W. Bush behind them like a ball and chain.

Is Tom Delay Good for the Jews?
by H. Scott Prosterman

Jewish Republicans not only feel beholden to him, but have bought into his hubris.

Directions in Social Evolution
by Greg Somerville

The future of human society is atomic, individualistic, responsible, and anti-communitarian.

Letters To The Ethical Spectacle

Did you just arbitrarily decide what caused the problem so that you could get the conclusion you want?


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"Noticing that no-one held the values I defended, I decided to make a spectacle of myself."
--Richard Foreman

Past Issues

Text with Jonathan Wallace byline is copyright Jonathan Wallace 2005. All other text should be assumed to be the copyright of the bylined author.
All art copyright Laurie Caro 2005 except as otherwise indicated
Email: jw@bway.net
Flames will be published with attribution.
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