Vol. X, No. 7, July 2004


by Jonathan Wallace

Our government's definition of torture empties the word of meaning.

Peter Bearse, a frequent contributor to the Spectacle, has published a book on needs and ways for Americans to take back their politics from the political and media class that has taken it over. Entitled WE, THE PEOPLE, the book of 10 chapters and 400 pages includes a comprehensive guide to Internet political sites. It will be released to bookstores in 2 months. For more information or to order advance copies at a discount, drop a line to Peter at democracyanddevelopment@msn.com or see his new website-in-progress, designed to inspire increased political participation, at: www.politicalcommunity.us.

The Children of Reagan
by Evan Maloney

Sunny conservatism seemed to beam from his relaxed smile.

Confessions of a Reagan Democrat
by Sy Schechtman

He was the Teflon President--and great communicator--in the face of much dissent.

Reagan Remembered
by Ben Price

Ronald Reagan captured the funny bone of America, not its soul.

John Spragge's Crossing the Medicine Line: Borders and Freedom

Does the use of force to compel people to accept democratic institutions carry within it a fatal contradiction?

The Internet: No Savior of Democracy
by Peter Bearse

The Internet is polarizing the American electorate.

Letters To The Ethical Spectacle

Je vous remercie de coeur.


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"Noticing that no-one held the values I defended, I decided to make a spectacle of myself."
--Richard Foreman

Past Issues

Text with Jonathan Wallace byline is copyright Jonathan Wallace 2004. All other text should be assumed to be the copyright of the bylined author.
All art copyright Laurie Caro 2004 except as otherwise indicated
Email: jw@bway.net
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