This is a case where the net tells the REST of the story that the mainstream press failed to mention.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, a sequence of photos is worth a LOT more than the highly-selective (read "biased") photos that appeared in NEWSWEEK, re the "dangerous, violent" protestor -- Carlo Giuliani -- who was shot ... and then run over twice ... in the Genoa "riots".
Note in photo 2 that NO demonstrator is pulling the "deadly" fire extinguisher out of the police Land Rover. Instead, it appears that the police inside the Rover may have been shoving or throwing it at the demonstrators.
(Also note in photo 2 that is appears that the Land Rover *could* have driven forward onto the sidewalk, instead of backing over Giuliani after he was shot. Under any circumstances, it could have backed up before the "terrified" armed officer in the rear window shot Giuliani.)
In photo 10, note that the armed police in the Land Rover were hardly isolated and helpless; eight or nine armed riot police on foot were within a half a dozen steps of where the body and terrifying fire extinguisher are laying (and the officer in the back of the Rover is still pointing his gun out the rear window).
Presumably the officer in picture 17 is NOT kicking Giuliani in the head, no matter what it looks like.
Photos 16 and 18 show the foot police "protecting" the body from the demonstrators' first-aid volunteers until their own paramedics can eventually arrive.
Well, at least they didn't kill as many of the protestors as Ohio' National Guard killed at Kent State, during an earlier generation's vile protests against those in power.
[self-inflating puffery: Playboy Foundation Hugh Hefner First-Amendment Award; Soc.of Prof.Journalists-Nor.Calif. James Madison Freedom-of-Information Award; founded InfoWorld, Dr.Dobb's Journal, and Computers, Freedom & Privacy Confs.; Electronic Frontier Foundation's Pioneer Award (in its first year), blah blah]