This morning I happened to find your website when searching for explanations of the quote, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."
I found your article to be very well done. Nice that you left it posted for so many years. Thanks.
So, I read a few more, some old and one from your most recent issue. Very good stuff and all well written. I may not agree with every assertion and opinion, but I agree with many and appreciate the honesty, candor and intelligent judgments.
Sorry to read that you will now pull back from publishing some articles; i.e., of authors you don't know. I write that not because I had an intention of writing something, but because it's a shame things have developed in such a way that would make that necessary.
So, thanks for giving me a source of valuable info and insights on the internet. I will add your link to my Favorites and recommend to my email buddies.