Vol. IX, No. 12, December 2003

Life and Death in Outer Space

by Jonathan Wallace

If we want to live in space, we must expect to die there.

President Bush Needs "New Europe"
by Tommy Ates

Let us hope "new Europe's" patience doesn't wear too thin.

Guantanamo and the Law
by Norman Swazo

The Bush Administration continues to play quick and loose with the very concept of a "war" on terror.

MASH, Revisited
by Alasdair Denvil

Violence is sometimes the most compassionate course of action at our disposal.

Character Assassination by Email : The Next Political Battlefield?
by Evan Maloney

A clever hoax will always have a broader reach than an earnest rebuttal.

Its Deja Jew all Over Again
by Sy Schechtman

The fires of anti Semitism are starting to burn brightly again.

Bush in Baghdad
by Steve

Will this guy ever run out of shameless publicity stunts?

Love, American Style
by Daniel Patrick Welch

This is the most repulsive cabal ever to have seized control of the levers of power in US history

Letters To The Ethical Spectacle

Wallace seems to be dishonest or lazy himself....

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"Noticing that no-one held the values I defended, I decided to make a spectacle of myself." --Richard Foreman

Text with Jonathan Wallace byline is copyright Jonathan Wallace 2003. All other text should be assumed to be the copyright of the bylined author.

Artist: Laurie Caro; all art copyright Laurie Caro 2003 except as otherwise indicated
Email: jw@bway.net
Flames will be published with attribution.
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