Mumia Abu-Jamal Deserves a New Trial

I am not against the death penalty for people who kill police, but the trial of Mumia Abu-Jamal in 1982 was apparently an abuse of justice. This black activist and journalist, who had been associated with the Black Panthers and covered the Move bombing, was driving a cab when he came upon his brother being beaten by a Philadelphia policeman. Moments later, Abu-Jamal and the cop had both been shot, and his brother's passenger, who at least one witness testified had done the shooting, fled the scene. Among other things:

These and numerous other irregularities lead to an inescapable conclusion that the legal process did not work correctly here and that due to police anger and heavy politicization, Abu-Jamal did not receive a fair trial. Originally scheduled for execution on August 17, Abu-Jamal was granted a stay reluctantly by the trial judge, a probable sign that political pressure is paying off. Here are some things you can do:

For more information, check out:



Amnesty International

Write or fax the Governor of Pennsylvania asking him to intercede in favor of a new trial:

Hon. Thomas Ridge
Main Capitol Building, Room 225
Harrisburg, PA 17120
FAX: 717-783-3369
VOICE: 717-787-2500